How can I fix the crash/freeze/resource hole in the ViM Project Plugin?

It was id#69 posted by Aric Blumer and got quite a lot of commentary for a while.  I was attracted to it because of its use of folding to organize a project (much as I complete modules).  I'm a complete n00b at vimscripts, so I'm having trouble finding the problem, but it's in a recursion where apparently a counter is released in a file/project 'load' function:  There is a similar function that splits the screen but 'runs out of room' (reasonably so) in the limited depth, so I'm wondering whether it's a buffer-switching problem (lost connection to the "invocation record?").  Any suggestions or solutions?

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About erniecordell

I thought I had an apology for being born in Terre Haute here. Oh, well . . .
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